?POPNOMICS Social Media Economic System App
Providing a Platform That Gives All Profits Back to Users!
Facebook Made 40 Billion in Revenue in 2017, With 1.3 Billion Users
That is approximately 40$ Per User. Imagine if all that Money Went Back To Users
and the Most Active Users Make More Than 500$
Users Could Then Buy Their Favorite Popular Products With the Funding!
?POPNOMICS is in Beta, and Will Remain a Web App While in Beta
This means that we are currently developing the core functions and are making updates every day
and The POPNOMICS App is only accessible Via Web Browser at popnomics.com
?POPNOMICS POP Payout Functionality is All Original and launched with whitepaper in the Spring of 2018!
How It Works
1. Users Win POP and Get Paid Popular Coins by Collecting POP Points Throughout the Day
2. When Advertisements Are Viewed and Airdrops Happen Popular Coins are Added to The Daily POP of Popular Coins for Users to Split
3. At the End of the Day POP Points are Converted into Popular Coins and The Cycle Repeats

Todays Total Points
All of the Users Points Are Added Together To Determine The Daily Payout
Time Until Payout
The Clock Clicks Down From 24:00 Hours Every Day and At the End of the Day When The Game Clock hits 00:00, all Funding from Advertising is Split for the Daily Payout
Todays Daily ? POP
All of the advertising funding and airdrops are put together for the Daily Payout
Mobile Menu

Crypto Currency Advertising on ?POPNOMICS
- Choose How Many Times You Would Like Your Ad to Be Viewed
- Use Any Portrait Size Advertisement Image: jpg, png, or gif
- Include A Custom Link To Your Desired Url
- Ads Are Paid for Per View And Must Be Paid in Popular Coin
- When the Ad is Viewed the Funding Generated is put into the daily POP which goes back to users at the end of the day
- Edit, Pause, or Cancel your Advertisement at Any Time
- POPNOMICS Users Are Involved in Crypto Currency
- POPNOMICS Users Have Funding Available on POPNOMICS and Are Active On The Web
- Currently 50 POP Per View
100+ Users Daily
5000+ Signups
20+ Countries
Buy and Sell Goods and Services
on ?POPNOMICS with No fees!
- Full No Fees Marketplace With All Users Products
- Each user has their own Marketplace for their personal products
- Users Can Easily Create and Modify Products In Their Marketplace Admin Panel
- All Transactions Data Is Tracked With an Invoice Available Upon Completion
- Buyer and Seller Feedback With Comments and 5 Star Rating
Join and Create Groups on POPNOMICS?
Group admins get paid and group members get paid!
- Players Can Create a Group
- Public or Private Groups
- Approval to Join or Invite Only
- Admin Gets to Choose the Members Payout Percentage
- When Posts are Created To the Group the Points Generated also Go To Members of the Group
- When Players Create Posts to the Group they are included in the Groups Daily Payout
- When the Group Wins Points at the end of the day the funding generated is split between the groups members
- Players Can Airdrop To All Members or Active Members for The Day and Include a message
- Airdrops To all Members are Split between all group Members
- Airdrops to Active members are Split Between all group Members active for the day
?POPNOMICS Cloud at Cost
- POPNOMICS Cloud Gives Every Player 1gb of Free Storage at Signup!
- Every Player on POPNOMICS Has Their Own Cloud!
- Each Players Cloud can be accessed at @playerhandle/cloud
- Players Can Create New Folders and Add Images, Videos, and Audio to their Cloud!
- All Folders and Files are Accessable Via The Web!
- Create New Folders Within Each Folder
- Expandable for a 1 Time Fee at Cloud Server Cost
- Maintained and Backed Up Indefinitely by POPNOMICS
Friends Portal
- Find Friends and Connect
- Accept/Reject Friend Requests
- Complete List of All Friends
- When Your Friend Makes a Post it Goes Onto Your Home Feed
Popular Coin (POP) Wallet
- Popular Coin (POP) Crypto Currency Web Wallet
- View Balance and Transactions
- Withdraw and Deposit POP
Account Settings
- Edit Your First and Last Username
- Edit Your @ Handle (which is also your profile url)
- Edit Your Email and Password
- Enable/Disable Popup Notifications
- Set Your Account to Public or Private (Private Users Posts are only veiwable to their friends)
- Referal Link (when your referal signs up you get 1000 Points)
Charity Funding
- All Charities Receive Payout of 5% of the Daily POP. If POPNOMICS has 100,000 POP for the day then Charity gets 5,000 POP!
- Players Vote For Their Preferred Charity and Receive 1000 Points for Voting!
- Charities get paid based on how many votes they get. When User vote for their preferred charity it ensures that the charity gets paid.
- The more votes a charity gets, the more percentage of the total funding it receives.
- All votes are tracked on the Charity Voting Page.
- Charities Get Paid No Matter What As Long As they Have Votes
- Charities Sign Up On POPNOMICS and are accepted provided they are a 100% Verifiable Charity
?POPNOMICS is Dedicated
to Funding Viewers, Artists, and Sellers
- The Number One Goal of POPNOMCS™ is Funding the Users that View Media
- The Number Two Goal of POPNOMICS™ is Funding the Artists Who Create the Media that is Viewed
- After the Users and Artists have Been Paid, they have the Funds Available to Purchase Goods from their Preferred Sellers on POPNOMICS Marketplace
- All Users are Paid Each Day based on Advertisement Sales, Airdrops, and other Profits Generated by POPNOMICS
POPNOMICS™ Social POP Economy™ Core Functions
- Serves as Social Media Platform
- Serves as Popular Coin Wallet
- Serves as Marketplace
- Serves as POP Payment Gateway
- POP’s UP Daily and Makes Payout to all Users
Visit POPNOMICS.COM to see for yourself!
Important POPNOMICS Links: Rules, Terms, and Privacy Policy.
For the full POPNOMICS and Popular Coin Whitepaper Click here